Sunday, September 28, 2008

Album of the Week: 9/28/08

Bootsy Collins - Stretchin' Out in Bootsy's Rubber Band

Sometimes, when people make sweeping, detrimental statements about the quality of music in the 70's, I wish I had a copy of this record to throw at them. In the first few bars, Bootsy claims to be the one who "knows what the funk's about", and damn he's got it right. This is some straight-up classic funk. Even thirty years later, it sounds as if the music was coming from a different plane- a statement which, given all the drugs Bootsy was doing, is probably true on a few levels.

By writing an article about the CD, though, I worry that I'm breaking some secret rule of funk- in particular, the rule about not taking anything too seriously. I've got to continually remind myself that I'm writing about an album in which a man with star-shaped sunglasses often warns the listener to "watch out for friendly Fred," and pretends to be Casper the Holy Ghost. Bootsy's often-nonsensical statements and alternate personalities reflect the sporadic, bouncy style of funk, but they can also be disastrous if you aren't putting the record on to have a good time.


Highlights: 'I'd Rather Be With You', 'Physical Love'

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Album of the Week: 9/21/08

Studio - West Coast

I think Swedish outfit Studio deserves an award for having the most difficult name to search for online (next to !!! and The Band, perhaps). If it hadn't been for a brief foray into an online music store, I probably never would have discovered this album at all. Fortunately, I did, because it's a classy bit of work.

If you're familiar with the work of Krautrock artists Can and Neu, this album should strike a few familiar chords, but Studio's sound is still quite unique. The first track, 'Out There' builds into a pulsating, tropical cadence, and 'Self Service' and 'Origin' add vaguely new-wave vocals to the mix. Most of the catchier hooks come from the bass guitar- an instrument which is often neglected, but used to its fullest effect here.

Highly recommended.

Highlights: 'Out There', 'Self Service'.

Studio on Myspace